
Grow deeper

Becoming Equipped & Established In Your Faith

"faith does not eliminate questions,
but knows where to take them"


Being a Christian is simply the decision to recognize Jesus as Savior and Lord over your life. That means knowing that He was a real person, He was truly man & truly God, and that He died on the cross to save us from our sins & eternal separation from God.

Want to Know More?

We would love to help you understand and go deeper into the knowledge of Jesus and the history of the church. One of the best ways to do this is to meet and spend time with one of our elders. Please email office@redeemer30a.com to arrange this.

Is Christianity RELEVANT today?

Does this actually impact your life?

The teachings of Jesus from 2,000 years ago remain relevant to our lives even today. It's clear that we require God and a Savior to guide us. Unfortunately, the world is growing more inclined towards rejecting spirituality and denying the existence of God. If we're truthful with ourselves, we'll acknowledge that life seems hollow without a relationship with God. We try to fill this emptiness through materialistic pursuits and aspirations, but it never satisfies us. This is because the void we feel can only be fulfilled by living a life devoted to Jesus.
As believers in Jesus, we are filled with hope and love, assured that a life lived in accordance with His teachings will bring us a sense of fulfillment that the world can never provide. This spiritual transformation is a gradual process, but by regularly reading the Bible, attending church, praying, and spending time with fellow believers, we can allow God to work in our lives in ways we never thought possible. Remember that God created you, knows all that you have been through, loves you unconditionally, and desires the very best for you - more than you could ever imagine.

I am new to christianity, What is Next?

Want To Get Connected To The Church & Go Deeper In The Christian Walk?
Get Started Below
Ready to show the world your new commitment to Jesus? We do this through Baptism and it's a wonderful part of your first steps in the Faith. Click below to get started.  
Do life with a community of believers that encourage one another & the Church as a whole. We are not called to be a church of disconnected people!
Serve the Church and the community. Our area needs us, we must be ready to serve just as Christ did in his day. Learn more about how to help today.